4DM contracted to provides spatial modeling support for Niagara Escarpment Crossing Study Class Environmental Assessment, Sept 10, 2012

4DM, as sub-consultant to Hatch Mott MacDonald, was awarded The Niagara Escarpment Crossing Study Class Environmental Assessment.  The Region of Niagara has re-opened a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) to evaluate truck route alternatives across the Niagara Escarpment. In 1997 the Regions of Niagara and Hamilton-Wentworth completed a comprehensive study that sought to address the issue of heavy trucks traveling on steep grades across the Niagara Escarpment through residential areas. The purpose of this study is to review the Class EA completed in 1997 for a new or improved escarpment crossing of the area to accommodate commercial traffic, while minimizing negative impacts to residents and motorists. The project team will build on the available data and update it where necessary to complete an identification and screening of the planning alternatives, followed by the development of design concepts for the preferred alternative.4DM role is provide spatial data and cartography support as well as utilize a multi-criteria decision support spatial model to determine least impact solutions for alternative and preferred crossings.