4DM and Synthesis Network Ltd. contracted to map the agri-food supply chain network within Ontario’s Golden Horseshoe
The Golden Horseshoe boasts rich agricultural land, a moderate climate and abundant fresh water resources. In response to this wealth of opportunities, as well as the unique challenges for agriculture in the face of rapid urban population growth, the Greater Toronto Area Agricultural Action Committee, the Region of Niagara, and the City of Hamilton in partnership with the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation released a 10-year plan — Food and Farming: An Action Plan 2021. This action plan provides recommendations for supporting and expanding a thriving, integrated food and farming sector in the Golden Horseshoe. To ensure the implementation of this action plan, the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance (GHFFA) was formed in 2012.
4DM and Synthesis Network Ltd. have been contracted by GHFFA to assemble an asset map of the agri-food supply chain in the Golden Horseshoe which will include producers, processors, and distributors, as well as marketing infrastructure, research centers, and service industry. The maps will assist providing GHFFA awareness of the depth of the agri-food supply chain in Golden Horseshoe and the data to conduct the economic analysis of the existing assets and identify gaps within the food and farming cluster of the region.